Wednesday, April 15. 6:00pm.
Kanawha Plaza at 8th Street and Canal Street: Richmond, VA

We Are Patriots. We Are Defenders of the Constitution. We Believe That Ignorance and Freedom Cannot Co-Exist. We Believe, as Our Founding Fathers Did, That the Only Way for the Nation to Prosper Is to Have Equal Protection of "Rights", and Not to Allow the Government to Get Involved in Trying to Provide Equal Distribution of "Things."

"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt."
- Thomas Jefferson. July 12, 1816.
"I spoke in Charlottesville earlier today. They had about 1,400 people, and I think you've got them by more than 3 to 1."
You know, I'm no right wing extremist. In fact, I don't consider myself "right wing" at all. But, damn it, the debt is bad enough without squandering more money on stuff like the war in the Middle East and steps toward universal health care. Yeah, I went to the Richmond Tea Party in the cold and rain. Yeah, I took these pictures and video with my phone. Unlike walking around campus at VCU, it was comforting to know that more than 5,000 other citizens agreed with me.
Found this looking for pix at richmondteaparty dot com. I love your comments! I'm a long-haired freak at VCU myself but you're right what's going on is just crazy & upsetting and we need to get off our butts and as voters start taking more responsibility. Anyway, I was there too, had a great time and feel a little better knowing it's not just me.
what the health?
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